Recognize I'm A Fool And You Love Me

Saturday, August 06, 2005


i saw this car today that made me laugh outloud. it was this red, hatchback station wagon. on the front it said "Mac Mobile." i think the duct tape on the hood was supposed to represent racing stripes. the guy driving it was the best part. he was this white dude wearing a truckers' hat with the hair mostly in his face. i think it's pretty safe to say that he hasn't successfully macked in his entire life...unless he works the pity/dork angle.

i was in the store and something happened that, really, only happens in movies. this guy and his very elderly mother were in line in front of me. the woman wanted some cash back and wanted to write a check to cover the groceries and the advance. the checkout girl is telling her $73.50, the woman keeps wanting to write $93. the son is repeating $73. the girl is trying to mouth the total while the son is saying it. eventually, the son literally screams $73 into his mother's ear. she finally gets it and then says," You didn't have to yell in my ear, Stephen."

last night i was talking to Andrea. she lives in an assisted living apartment building. she's disabled and has lots of physical health problems and had surgery very recently. so, because she lives where she does, she runs into all sorts of characters. last night she's coming home and sees something that drained her well of composure. in the common area downstairs there were a bunch of retarded people singing karaoke. when i say retarded, i mean "this is by back"/special olympics/ short yellow bus retarded. so, there's that. the best part is the song. they were singing "Hot Stuff" by Donna Summer. that, my friend, is comedy. i may have retarded kids for laughing, but that doesn't stop it from being funny.


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