Recognize I'm A Fool And You Love Me

Sunday, August 07, 2005

seasonally inappropriate drinks and sleep

it's 10pm and i'm sitting here with some organic, Moroccan mint tea and a sliced Gala apple. it's 75 degrees outside and i have piping hot tea in front of me. i really enjoy tea. i''m not much of a coffee drinker. i particularly like it before bed. i have these ridiculous bouts of insomnia and over the years i've had to develop strategies to fight it. two tried and true tactics: classical music and hot tea.

the classical piece i'm most fond of for bed is Allegri's Miserere. usually, by the second track, i'm gone. there's soft choral singing to lull me to sleep. i really love classical music in general. i think it's because i'm such a live wire. even as a baby, that was how my dad got my brother and me to calm down and ready for bed. now, it's this Pavlovian reaction no matter where i am. when i was about 12, i went to this concert at Lincoln University, where my dad teaches. i slept the 30min car ride over and, honestly, wasn't tired. i got through the first bar of the Beethoven's Fifth before i was knocked out. i woke up at intermission. to this day my dad is amazed by that. he was surprised by the fact it was live, but more because he always says that that opening is one of the loudest he knows; second only to the 1812 Overture by Tchaikovsky.

i've even fallen asleep in the middle of my own sentence.

tea is just soothing all the way around. i let it sit for a bit and inhale the steam and aroma. even the look of the steam dancing away from the cup is relaxing. Moroccan mint is, by far, my favorite tea. i discovered it in college. there was this little cafe called Blue Moon i used to love. i partially loved it because of its name. it always made me think of the song Blue Moon by The Marcels. i love singing that song. anyway, i'd go in there all of the time for baklava and Moroccan mint tea. so good. especially since i, generally, don't take sugar in my tea, so the honey from the baklava would sweeten it up. they had paintings on the wall you could buy and these mosaic table tops.

i like drinking seasonally inappropriate drinks. i don't know why. though, i'm more inclined to get a slushy in the winter than a hot chocolate in the summer. summer nights, though, i do like hot tea. i'm just weird like that, i guess.

time to do some reading while sipping on my perfectly cooled tea.


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