Recognize I'm A Fool And You Love Me

Friday, June 02, 2006


this weekend is long overdue.

i haven't had a solid, stressless weekend to myself since i got back from Nepal. i'm not complaining, don't get me wrong. i've had a blast, i just haven't had time to really relax. even this weekend is not complete rest. i have a bachelorette party to go to tomorrow, but this time all i have to do is show up; no planning, no nothing. so, that makes it better. i've been going out of town a lot and helping with the planning and execution of my friend's wedding. so, even when i'm not running, i'm still mentally preoccupied.

i tend to have a hard time sleeping. between my bouts with insomnia and my tendency to resist sleep like a toddler, i'm often extraordinarily tired. my usual pattern is to go on averaging about 5 hours of sleep a night for a couple of weeks. the weekend of the second week is my "crash weekend." i usually don't leave my place, turn the answering machine off, maybe answer the phone, and will sleep a good portion of the day away. i was due for a crash about two weeks ago, but i had to go to Boston two weekends in a row. last night, however, er, rather this morning, i went to sleep around 2:30am and woke up at 1:30pm, with two brief bathroom breaks.

i was, officially, knocked the fuck out.

i didn't even have to resort to classical music to keep the sleep going. both times i got up for the bathroom, i climbed right back into bed, checked the time, balled up under my blanket and passed right out. it felt so good. i had breakfast at 2pm (vegetarian sausages, toast, and a bowl of fruit [kiwi, banana, and apple].)

look at me, it's 7pm and i'm yawning again. i've only been up for a 5.5 hours. i love these kinds of days.

the only thing that would make this better is a boyfriend. there really are few things better than lazy days with someone else. both of us vegging out on the couch-- my feet in his lap, him playing with my knees-- watching a bad sci-fi movie, insulated from the world.


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