Recognize I'm A Fool And You Love Me

Monday, September 17, 2007

beautiful thing

i went to this club in NYC, yo, this past weekend for my birthday with my girls...well, Erica, since Massandje lost her ID and couldn't get in... and there was this guy there, Ryan. this guy, no lie, was Shawn incarnate. he was built like Shawn, sorta looked like him, was ridiculous like him. it was pretty amazing...aside from his nastiness. basically, when i wasn't slapping his hand away i was having a great time. at one point he asked me if he could give me a birthday kiss and i let him kiss my cheek. next thing i knew he was licking my neck. see? nasty. anyway, toward the end of the night we were dancing and it was like having my baby back for a little while. we danced there with my arms around his neck and his around my waist, my face buried drinking him in.

for that moment, i knew Shawn had found a way to be with me for a little while and in that instant, i didn't miss him so much.

it was a beautiful thing.