Recognize I'm A Fool And You Love Me

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Rachel Yamagata

a friend of mine made me this mix cd of songs she loves. i knew she really liked Rachel Yamagata. listening to this mix reminds me of when my brother, his fiance, and i went to see her in concert...well, it was at a coffeeshop/bookstore in Chelsea, i think. my brother really likes Rachel and i came down to NYC to see him and go to this concert.

Rachel's sort of this indie/rock, mellow, folky chick. i like her stuff. that night was hi-larious. we got there and there was an opening band. few things are worse than the opening act for a indie-folk singer. quickly realizing this, he and i started playing a game: bands worse than the opening, from A-Z. so we went through the alphabet naming bands that truly and eternally suck. we were on the balcony of the bookstore and were walking around looking at books. he's standing there and puts his palm on the shelf to lean on it and it came toppling down. these shelves were, literally, balanced on the two or three -out of four- pegs it was resting on. it was so funny. so we're scrambling and trying not to laugh to loudly as we put the shelf back and try to arrange the books. so silly.

then Rachel came on and i swear she was drunk. a lot of her songs seem to be about one relationship and how the guy screwed her over or something. it so classic. in between songs she would talk and her speech was slurred and she would say things that were random and maybe a little too personal. during her songs is sounded like she was crying. not knowing the artist at all, i was just laughing. it was so funny to watch. i'm certain if i had known her work, it would've been poignant and deep. i don't know about deep, but it sure was entertaining.

the whole night was fun. for the rest of the night, my brother and i kept playing the A-Z game. the topics were things like: songs that suck; artist who are gay, but swear they're not; favorite bands, etc.

good times.

off to work i go.


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