Recognize I'm A Fool And You Love Me

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


i think there should be an "ideally" history channel or the "alternate" history channel...i'm undecided.

i was watching the History Channel and they were talking about some conflict in Iraq and how American troops had some victory that forced the Iraqis to lay down the weapons and disappear into the population.

i only briefly heard that part of it, so i have no other context. i don't know if it's recent history or not, but i immediately thought,"since when?" then i thought how funny it would be if there was a TV station that was dedicated to the optimal outcome of historical events. in a world where there are no blunders, America is always right, of course, and the good guys always win.

now, you might be tempted to say, "But, April, that's called Fox news." and you have a point. the difference is that Fox is trying to fake it until they make it. whoever's opinion that is yelled the loudest holds as truth. i'm talking about a network that is not the tool of the immediate administration, but is, essentially, a delusional, slightly drunk, selective memoried uncle recounting the "truth."

my god, the possibilities. the hyperbole. the humanity.


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