Recognize I'm A Fool And You Love Me

Thursday, July 07, 2005


it's not clinical insomnia...i don't think. i'm not up for days or anything. i'm just up for no reason until reality starts to blur. it's getting old. i haven't had a good night sleep in over a week. i've been really busy, granted. i've had a lot to do in little time. this is getting ridiculous. this used to happen in high school. i've never been able to routinely sleep consistently through the night. my dad's the same way. when i'd go to sleep, i would say goodnight and that i'd see him in a few hours. that's just how we are. the only time i get through the night is when i'd go to bed around 2am to get up at 6 or 7. this would go on for weeks until i had a "crash weekend." i'd sleep for 15 hours straight. i figure that'll happen at some point, but i don't know when. the other suck thing is that i'm determined to get the fuck out of this po' dunk town as often as possible, which means i stay on the move. so, the fact that i've been out of town every weekend for about a month in a half can't help perpetuate good sleep habits.

i wonder what the difference is between an insomniac and a night owl. i know i'm a night owl. i'm the most productive at night and have the best creative ideas in the dead of night. i don't do well with lots of distractions, so the still of night is ideal for me to concentrate. i also think, since it's so late, that my creativity is sparked because i'm bordering on a state of delirium which opens the mental floodgates and God only knows what comes out. everytime it's great fun. my brain is such a weird place that it's remarkable, in the morning, when i'm reviewing the night befores' work what i came up with. i'm alone a lot and, i think, after being quiet and alone for 6 hours the societal constraints slip away which lends itself to free, independent thought. the downside of that is that most of which i write at night never sees the light of day...which is a shame, because i'm damn funny, really weird, but funny.

i think i'm ready for bed. it's 2:15am and i'm really tired. i think i'm going to fall back on my tried and true solution: classical music. i'm so Pavlovian with it. my dad used to put me to sleep with it since i was a baby and it's worked ever since. tonight i'm working out a little Allegri's Miserere. it has choral singing in it, but their voices really are just another instrument and it's all soothing.

wish me luck.

something outside smells like Velveeta.


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