Recognize I'm A Fool And You Love Me

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Nicky D

an old friend of mine sent me a message on friendster last night. i came home from work and called andrea. we're talking as i'm checking my email. i see that "Nicholas" has sent me a message. i didn't know a Nicholas, but i clicked to see a picture and there he was- Nick fucking Diamond, a.k.a. Shinin' Diamond, a.k.a. Nicky D.

i started yelling "Holy Shit!" it was so random. i havent' seen Nicky D. since my first year of college. after that first year he bounced and i haven't heard anything about him since. there were no Diamond sightings or a friend talked to a friend that talked to him. he just disappeared. i love Nick. he is, by far, my favorite white boy. he was just so fucking chill. he basically lived in our house. he had this nasty, old, tweed, 1972-looking chair he loved to sit in. he looked like a preppy skater, but would walk around with a 40oz. in a brown paper bag. i don't know. he could rock it. he was peoples. we used to watch football together. i used to watch it all the time with my dad and it was more about hanging out with my dad and less about the game, but i do like football. when i got to college, there was no one to watch it with...except for my Shinin' Diamond. we always had the best time with him.

my girls and i always wonder about him, but none of us ever knew where to find him. now, here he is. i called Cuz and she started screaming. i mean, we are his biggest fans. we love us some Nicky D. I can't wait to tell Massandje and Denise. they're going to lose their shit. i'm hoping that he'll come to my birthday party. by "party" i mean whatever club we end up at. it would be the best fucking birthday. my girls, my brother,Vegas, Sarah, and Nicky D. i'm stoked.

life is definitely on an upswing.


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