Recognize I'm A Fool And You Love Me

Thursday, October 06, 2005

insane in the membrane

i've been so crazy this last week. i came home from my brothers' wedding last Thursday and tomorrow will be my first day off. it's so ridiculous. 6 days in a row and the first two were 15 hr. days. crazy talk, my friend, crazy talk.

working this much has sort of worked out well. since i got back on the 29th and Sept. has 30 days, i had to pay all of my bills and prepare for the first in a day. luckily, i've been at work and haven't spent hardly any money. so, first it was good because i had no money, but didn't have any free time to lament that fact. now, i have money and still have no time. consequently, i have no groceries.

i went home for about a week or so and had to clean out my fridge. i bought milk as soon as i came back, of course, but other than that... nothing. so tonight, i had to rush home to call Andrea in time for Lost. therefore, i skipped the store. (i know. i know. priorities) for dinner i had popcorn, about 6 pineapple chunks, water, and oatmeal. well, i'm eating the oatmeal now, after my stomach let out a woeful cry for...anything. my place is in the classic case of "peanut butter and no jelly." i'm missing one ingredient from everything. it's sad. it's very Fight Club. how embarrassing. a refrigerator full of condiments.

i have tomorrow off, but still can't go shopping. i have to wait for the phone guy until, at least, noon and then i have a doctor's appointment at 12:45pm. after that, though, i'm seriously Big Y-ing it. not to mention, i'm cooking tomorrow and have two of the seven ingredients needed.

on the plus side, my bills are paid and i get paid tomorrow. that's a good look.


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