Recognize I'm A Fool And You Love Me

Monday, March 12, 2007


at a time when the abuse of president and his government agencies are rampant and extensive, it's hard to shock me. don't get me wrong, it's not that i'm not outraged, it's just that my mind has been boggled for so long as to how it's been allowed to happen that nothing surprises me anymore. it's clear that the current administration is a self-serving, dangerous political regime. at this point, their lies don't even try to justify the means.

at first, i was quick to take a look around me and wonder why there weren't abounding marches in the streets and why it seemed that my fellow americans were ok with this. there were a couple of flaws with my criticism: 1) i wasn't marching in the streets, so it's hard to throw stones when i'm living in a glass house, but more than that, i firmly believe that 2) people weren't ok with it, they not only, initially, trusted the president --which you should until he proves himself to unworthy-- but once it became clear he was a true believer of his own rhetoric, the people trusted the elected officially who were supposed to be their voice to the president. the members of congress did not stagger their way into their offices. they campaigned. they assured their constituents that they, not their opponent, would act in their best interest, be their voice, and reflect their will. that's why we have congress, so we don't have to take to the streets when parts of our government start fucking up. we can protest, if we want, but it shouldn't be initially necessary. now, when it's clear that the checks and balances of government are failing, then, i think we are obligated to protest and fiercely.

i think if we protested at every sticky point, we'd lose effect. case in point: Rev. Al Sharpton. now, i respect Al, but there are a great number of times he just needs to sit down and shut the fuck up. i appreciate him being the sounding alarm of gov't misdeeds, but when all you do is squawk, people stop paying attention. you lose you effectiveness when everything is an issue, nothing is an issue. it's also hard to take someone seriously who doesn't seem to prioritize his concerns. he's like an hysterical grandmother who freaks out in equal measure at mismatched socks and house fires. even when grandma is legitimately warning you against growing smoke in the house, no one's listening because...she's just being grandma. now, if grandma picked and chose her hysteric battles, we wouldn't be casualties on the nightly news. that's Al Sharpton. even when he's valid he's a joke. but i digress.

times seem to be reaching critical mass: in politics, in entertainment, in personal relationships, and it all seems ready to implode. few employ reason. even fewer yield. the concept of compromise has all but gone the way of the dinosaurs. sadly, treachery and subterfuge are not only commonplace, but have come to be expected. still, i'm a insufferable optimist and/or a fool --in which case you should recognize it and still love me. so, even in the worst of times, i can still be floored.

i read this article slack jawed. it's not that i didn't believe it was happening, it's the nerve...and quite frankly the sloppiness in getting caught. if anyone should be able to cover their tracks --aside from the CIA-- it should be the FBI. that's just embarrassing.


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