Recognize I'm A Fool And You Love Me

Friday, March 02, 2007

crazy person

i feel like a crazy person right now. it's 12:20am and i have an 8am flight out of Hartford and it's snowing right now. i still have to pack and my apartment's a mess. i'm hopped up on caffeine and have a bazillion things running around in my increasingly unfocused head. i'm flying out to for my sister's baby shower and have to figure out how to accomplish her shower planning and attendance, my niece's birthday party 2 hours away, seeing my friends, and not neglecting my mom all in the course of three days. lots and lots of lattes.

i've recently discovered a strange and contradictory thing about myself: i don't really like to fly. i *love* to travel, but i don't really like to fly. i don't like pissing the better part of my days in lines, the soft core violations of security checks, and simply don't like the feeling of flying. when i fly, i only drink ginger ale, because i constantly feel like vomiting. isn't that weird? isn't that the exact wrong thing to hate when you travel as much as me? how fucked up am i?

i've also decided not to sweat demanding people. i've found that when i come home to MO everyone is demanding of my time. i appreciate that people want to see me, but i never have more than a few days, at best, and everyone wants that time. generally, i usually only want to see Andrea and my mom when i'm in MO, but so many other people are pulling on me. i've decided: fuck 'em. if you want concentrated time with me, you get on a plane and come see me. i live alone and you'd have my undivided attention. you can't possibly be mad at me for not spending more time when i'm the only one moving. it's like someone getting mad because you don't call. fuck that, phones work both ways. the only person who has an right to me is mom, because 1) she gave birth to me and 2) she's my mom. that's never a problem, because i like hanging out with my mom.

oh, man, i am procrastinating. i'm in the age old dilemma of whether or not to sleep. i don't want to over sleep, since i have to be up in about 5 hours. the snow now complicates things. i am so fucking tired though. i think i'm going to pack my shit up, listen to some more Damien Rice, and try to clean up a bit and see how i feel in about 2 hours.

lame. so fucking lame. the snow is coming down steady and hard. if snow was a man, i'd know what to do with my time. as it is, it's just wack. i really hope this doesn't delay my trip.


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