Recognize I'm A Fool And You Love Me

Friday, March 16, 2007

seriously, enough

i'm all for cultural sensitivity. i'm...actually, not really into political correctness. i think it stymies almost every creative outlet out there, because it doesn't stop you from feeling, it just stops you from saying it, and creative expression is all about the inside coming out. not everyone's going to like it, but you shouldn't be concerned with what other people will say...unless-- in these modern times-- those people have lawyers and will ruin you. so, no, not a big proponent of political correctness.

erin and i went to see 300 last night. ah, it was awesome. lots of hot, determined, violent, sweaty men. there was no weak link in those 300, either. even the old dudes were ripped. it was a bit melodramtic, but it was a visually beautiful movie. the Spartans were smartasses until the very end. if ever there was a movie right up my alley... i think the only thing missing was a car chase scene.

anyway, so i dug it. i woke up this morning to this article.

oh, would you just shut the fuck up. of course it portrayed Persians in a bad light. it's a movie about 300 Spartans fighting the entire Persian empire for freedom...told from the point of view of the Spartans. were they supposed to sympathize with them? generally, in the retelling of wars --and in wars, themselves-- there are good guys and there are bad guys. usually, the side telling the story is the good side.

for fuck's sake, it based off of Frank Miller's 1999 graphic novel, well before the war.

and now, for a few responses:

"Already, I have spoken with many of my friends whose only knowledge of the history of the Persian empire and the Persian wars has been formed by this movie," Yousefi said, "and who vehemently believe that the movie is historically accurate."

then, your friends are dumbasses and should do some independent reading.

Iranian-based Taliya News slammed 300 as a "hateful movie" and a cog in the "U.S. propaganda machine."

really? because the last time i checked, Spratans were Greek.

He finds 300's depiction of the Spartans to be accurate; he finds its depiction of the Persians to be "irresponsible."

here's a thought: it was told from the Spartan perception of what they encountered, not how they actually looked. the best example is when they started fighting against some Chinese looking dudes who had hand bombs and the storyteller refered to them as "fighting with magic." not exactly historically accurate.

if we are to believe everything we saw, Xerxes was about 10 feet tall and most of the creatures they fought against would shock Barnum himself.

plus, if we were to believe everything we saw in the movies, Wesley Snipes is a vampire, George Clooney's a con artist, and Nicholas Cage is attractive.

it's all bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.


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