Recognize I'm A Fool And You Love Me

Sunday, May 01, 2011

passwords and tepid water

it took me two days to get into this silly account. i had to reset my password to the password it already was. anyway, it's over. the crap thing is that i have a shoddy memory and had some pretty hilarious gems to post and, of course, i can't remember. that would lead most people, including myself, to think that maybe they weren't that important...and that's fair. however, i ask, how important are most things on blogs? exactly, so it was valid.

i slept most of the day away yesterday. i became a narcoleptic chocoholic. it was embarrassing. my sole attempt at doing anything significantly productive was to clean out the refrigerator. i started the process, tossed a bag of moldy lettuce, went into the bedroom and the next thing i know it's 2 hours later. i fell fast sleep with the refrigerator door wide open. not ajar, but open like a teenager in search of a midday snack. it's was bizarre.

my friend came over and we worked out again to the Badger...who still doesn't give a shit...and got sweaty and gross and glorious all at the same time. i'm a marvel of science and nature. anyway, just before this i noticed the water wasn't getting hot in the bathroom, but who spends 5 min. washing their hands? i figured i hadn't waited long enough for the heat to really kick in. no big...but it bothered me. i kept checking back and soon realized that there was no hot water in the house. my only day off this week that i'd successfully napped away, do you think i took a shower at any point after yesterday morning? if you said yes, because i'm a lady, you'd be correct about the lady part.

now i'm stuck. i've just worked out and have a day and half day's worth of grime on me, on top of sweaty boobs and a increasingly gross feeling on my neck. i *really* wanted a shower, but it was 11pm and have i mentioned my laziness? so i went to bed. yes, those sheets will be washed tomorrow.

i woke up early this morning because i knew i had one of two choices. i could either go to the gym i haven't been to in 6 months and shower there or i could take it back to Ukraine, circa 1998, boil lots of water and hope for the best. i reject the gym so magnificently comprehensively that instead of driving 10 minutes to shower in relative comfort, i opted for a tepid bath. so, 6 pots -of various sizes-- of water later i had my bath. i stored the boiling water in my slow cooker to stay warm. it was not pleasant, but not horrible. i did start out lathering like a chronic OCD patient, but then accepted the fact that between the bubbles and the gleaming white bubbles on my skin, i was clean. midway through i had to refill the slow cooker and running through the house dripping and sudsy was not a favorite moment in my young life. after the wash, complete with wetting my hair so i was submerged in this nonsense, i put the slow cooker filled with hot water into the draining tub, added cold water, and created a mini shower with my loofah sponge. that was nice.

oh the things we take for granted. so, i'm clean now and should be getting a new hot water heater later on today. hopefully i won't have to do this again tomorrow, because i have to work at 9 and have zero interest getting up at 6:30am to do this all over again.

however, i repeat, i'm it's not all bad.


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