Recognize I'm A Fool And You Love Me

Monday, February 11, 2008

The Grammys

Cuz and i just got done watching the Grammys and it was a veritable snooze fest. it felt like we only saw 5 awards given out and a lot of old people on stage...most of them unrecognizable. it was a parade of musical has beens. some were oldies, but goodies and others were just old. we figured that the gift bags this year were filled with Dentucreme, Geritol, Metamucil, Aspercreme, and Bengay.

before this goes any futher, let's discuss John Fogerty. why is he on a stage? has he put out an album this year?...and by year, i mean decade? don't get me wrong, i *love* me some CCR, but what in the hell was his old ass doing on stage? my favorite moment was the section of the show i liked to call, "The Old Farts Convention." on stage was Jerry Lewis, Little Richard and John Fogerty. it was like watching the Grammys from 1973. although, my favorite quote of the night was when the camera faded into the guy at the piano, Cuz yells out, "Who ate Jerry Lewis?" what made it so bad was that he was almost completely unrecognizable. granted, he was still sounding good rockin' a litte "Great Balls of Fire" on the piano, but lawd 'a mercy!

i can appreciate giving props to originators and old school heads, but they could've tried to intermix them with, oh, i don't know, current artists. then again, the outfits the youngins were rocking were ridiculous and skeet so i can see not wanting to give them a lot of airtime. Cuz summed them up in this rant:

"Kanye was in some sort of Lite Brite outfit lookin' like a glow worm. Akon looked like the Death Avenger. They had the queen [Aretha Franklin] looking like a lemon meringue pie and Alicia Keyes was wearing some black painted on pants in shoes she couldn't walk in. i mean, what is going on!?!"

the night wasn't a total wash. it had its moments...granted, most of the moments were generated by us at their expense, but it makes them no less fun.

my two favorite moments of the show...aside from my boyfriend, Jason Bateman, being there...was Kanye's acceptance speech when they started playing the music on him. he was like, "oh, ya'll not really gonna play the music over me are you?" they did. then he started to dedicate the award to his recently passed mother and thank people for their prayers and support, with the music still playing, he said, "it would be in good taste to stop the music then." they did. nicely done.

my next favorite moment was watching Quincy Jones' tubby ass doing the wide leg squat to pick up the paper that Herbie Hancock dropped during his win for Album of the Year...which we're really not even going to discuss. Q looked like he almost split his pants doing that.

however, all of these things aside, my absolute favorite moment of the night came not from the TV, but from the other end of the telephone line. Will.I.Am was doing that wiggy-wack ass rap about something...all i know is that he rhymed "grammy" with "grammy" about 4 times...Cuz bemoans this performance and they show, by extension, and said, "Will.I.Am, Sam I am, bored I am, night-night I am." true. true. she said she felt like a teenager who was made to go on a family vacation whose iPod had run out of juice and whose cell phone had no reception, bored looking out the window at the Grand Canyon. she was on a roll tonight and was spot on. i suppose, in light of that, i will let her sum the night up:

boo to you grammy. boo to costumes. boo to booking. night...night.


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