Recognize I'm A Fool And You Love Me

Thursday, July 07, 2005

oh the joys

i've always lived in a house. well, one time, when i was 6, i lived in a quadraplex with my mom. i think we lived there for a couple of years. in any case, i've always lived in a house. it's such a strange thing for me to have neighbors all around me. i live in a basement apartment, which i actually like. it's dark, but that makes it better for mid-day naps and shit. it has really good space, especially for a single person. it also helps that my heat and hot water are included in my rent. so, that's a plus in a place that has winter 9 months out of the year. it's my little haven.

the funniest thing about living in this place are the public fights. i'm not a public display sort of person...especially if it's an arguement. you can fume all the way home, or argue in the car, but that shit absolutely does not get discussed in the open. so, sometimes, i'll be sitting in my apartment and start hearing yells and people cussing. it's also funny because my windows are ground level so some people tend to lose sight of the fact that there's someone down there. they'll come out of the building on the phone or something and stand right next to my window and talk about shit i don't want to hear.

last week i was cooking for a BBQ and there was this little girl, maybe 3 or 4 years old, who kept looking in my window. i didn't mind. i really like kids and encourage healthy curiosity. it was hilarious. she ust kept coming back to the window. sometimes it took her parent a couple of seconds to realize what she was doing, but what are you going to do? i mean, she's 4 and watching someone woman dance around her kitchen in her apron and cooking. i can understand the fascination.

it's just a werid experience. i'm used to being at my dads. we live in a neighborhood so we see our neighbors, but they're either across the street or across our acre backyard. it's a place where you either just wave or have to actually yell hello. i'm used to going out on our deck that's almost completely masked by trees and stargazing at the huge midwestern sky or sunbathing topless in the merciless, summer heat. sitting in my room and playing my music as loud as i want and dancing and singing around the house in complete privacy. no one looking in your windows. no one complaining about noise. no one paying hardly any attention to you. that's how i like it.

on the upside, it's very cool seeing kids playing outside my window laughing and screaming as they do. when i first moved here, i was annoyed that first summer because they would hide right next to my window. it doesn't totally thrill me now, but i'd rather listen to kids play and be kids than to have some young girl outside of my window with her screaming baby.

i'm looking forward to moving. well, first out of this bastard area, but also to a different place. there's no guarantee i won't move into another place like this, but when i moved here i was halfway across the country and did it almost completely online. it's sort of hard to apartment hunt when you live 1200 miles away. my next move will be just 100 mi. or so away, so that'll be easier. plus i have a friend who lives there so she can help me. i can't wait to move and i'm so excited for all things non-western MA to come in my life.

it's certainly been an experience living here. God knows i won't miss it, though.


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