Recognize I'm A Fool And You Love Me

Monday, October 10, 2005

i almost forgot

last night at the concert, right before The Decemberists came on, they were playing Peter and the Wolf by Prokofiev on the overhead. we all agreed that you're another kind of badass when the prep music to your show is fucking Prokofiev. i was standing there with Sarah and humming along to the music and she turns to me and asks, "Is this Peter and the Wolf?" i'd been singing along and knew the melody, but hadn't realized what it was. so, we ask Travis and agreed that that was pretty fucking cool. it makes sense, though. this is a group that can effortlessly and logically work tarlatan and palanquin into a song. so, it's not too much of a stretch to have Prokofiev playing. it was very cool.

sort of like when i went to see Wyclef in concert and, at the end of the concert, he turned the house lights up and played Ah-Ha's Take on Me. you know you're badassed when you have niggas dancing in the aisles to Ah-Ha. That, my friend, is the mark of success.


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