i fully admit that i'm a bit behind the times with a lot of technology, so this recent "discovery" of mine will probably be tantamount to figuring out that the"flash" button is how you answer call waiting. but i'm proud of me, so fuck off. i realized last night that i can program my alarm clock radio to turn off after awhile. i like falling asleep to classical music, but i don't have a stereo. having a stereo is a bit redundant for me. i don't listen to tapes and i have a computer, two dvd players that play music, and a discman. i tried to listen to it on my computer, but the hum of the machine kept me up. also, i figured just having two dvd players and living alone was excessive enough.
luckily, the station i listen to NPR in the morning on plays classical music at night. PERFECT...except that classical music puts me to sleep and i fall asleep before i can turn the radio off. consequently, i either wake up at 5am when NPR starts--thus the music stops and people start talking-- or i wake up late because the alarm never goes off. last night, i was listening to classical music and wondered what the "nap" button was. guess what. it turns your radio off at the end of the preset time. much like the "sleep" function on the tv. good shit.
maybe this is what i need. i always have trouble sleeping. sometimes it's just my insomnia and i'm just up for no reason, or, like a toddler, i fight it for no reason. what i've been using lately to sleep was Vegas. everytime i'm really tired, but resistant, i hear him in my head. i'll claim that i'm not sleepy and he'll just look at me say, "yes you are." i'll protest, turn off the lights, grumble a bit, and proceed to pass the fuck out. now, i can use an actual historical sleep trigger.
luckily, the station i listen to NPR in the morning on plays classical music at night. PERFECT...except that classical music puts me to sleep and i fall asleep before i can turn the radio off. consequently, i either wake up at 5am when NPR starts--thus the music stops and people start talking-- or i wake up late because the alarm never goes off. last night, i was listening to classical music and wondered what the "nap" button was. guess what. it turns your radio off at the end of the preset time. much like the "sleep" function on the tv. good shit.
maybe this is what i need. i always have trouble sleeping. sometimes it's just my insomnia and i'm just up for no reason, or, like a toddler, i fight it for no reason. what i've been using lately to sleep was Vegas. everytime i'm really tired, but resistant, i hear him in my head. i'll claim that i'm not sleepy and he'll just look at me say, "yes you are." i'll protest, turn off the lights, grumble a bit, and proceed to pass the fuck out. now, i can use an actual historical sleep trigger.
LOL - strangely this blog makes good reading at 3a.m.
I'd mail you to ask permission to link to blog but you dont share your email so i guess the answer would be no...nevermind!
Ash, at 7:02 PM
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