Recognize I'm A Fool And You Love Me

Thursday, April 13, 2006

avoidance mode

i am engaging in some serious avoidance activities. i'm sitting here in my towel, with my wet hair wrapped up, and i refuse to do anything. i bought everything to clean my place, and i desperately need to wash my clothes, but all i want to do after my hot shower is sleep.

my place has been wrecked since i got back from Nepal. i've been really busy and haven't even had the time, nor will, to unpack. i've been living out of my suitcase in my own apartment. how sad is that? i'm tired of this fucking path i've dug out from my bed to the door and i have this cooped up smell going on. i imagine it's from 3 weeks of dirty laundry, which is just nasty. the things i need to do aren't hard. i need to hang up some clothes and was the others. it's the dusting and drying of the hair i'm avoiding.

i love my curly hair, i do, but that shit becomes the craziest explosion of hair in a matter of days. i also love my hair long and straight. the suck part of that is that it takes 2 1/2 hours to get it there. it's such a process. here's the debate. i'm going to Boston tomorrow and will probably go to a club on Sat. if i took the time and dried my hair, i'll more than likely sweat it out in two days and that would suck. if i wear it curly, it'll be so unruly. i think laziness is going to win tonight. i just don't give a shit enough right now to fuss. i'm not a high maintenance girl...well, emotionally i am...but my hair is the most high maintenanced thing on me. i only recently got into arching my eyebrows. i really only do that because, on a whim, i let Nisey do it and it hurt so fucking bad that i never wanted to start from scratch again. the upkeep is pretty painless, but i fear i'll let them grow out, forget about it, give in to Nisey again, and cry all over again. plus, i kind like it.

so, looks like the hair is staying curly and now i should unpack and clean my apt. part of the reason i'm doing this now is that i'm taking Nisey's presents from Nepal to her. i was sort of annoyed with myself for being so disorganized that i couldn't find a gift for a friend of mine. i gave him most of them, but there was one more thing i'd gotten especially for him-- not some standard statue or t-shirt or something-- and i couldn't find it in time to not be late. i guess it'll be an Easter gift. so, i don't want the same thing to happen with Nisey. primarily because i hate Boston and rarely go there. if i forget her present, there's no telling when she'll get it. i'm always going, and more willing to go, to The Elm, so forgetting his thing is not that big of a deal.

alright, i'm rambling on some pretty uninteresting shit, just to avoid housework. it's time to embrace my inner domestic goddess and work it out. to think, i frequently toy with the idea of being a housewife. i think i'd care more if i lived with someone, the mess would shame me. as for myself, i just think of it as obstacle courses to keep me spry.


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