Recognize I'm A Fool And You Love Me

Sunday, April 09, 2006

cuttin' up

i feel like causing trouble. i feel like shamelessly cuttin' up.

i'm in the best mood. i don't know what it is. it's definitely partial high from Thurs., but there something else in the air. i know some it has to do with my ex moving. we definitely left on good terms and we still chat and stuff, but there something liberating about not seeing him all the damn time.

i'm really excited about the summer: swimming, clubbing, and my girls. plus, there's someone that i'm dying to incorporate into my crew...if i could ever get him out of the house. he's cool as shit and so much fun. i think he'd mesh really well with my girls. i mean, it's a gem of a man who can cluck with you. oh, man, hot summer nights in NYC, drunk, dancing and laughing with him and my girls. i'm all about getting him out clowning with us. i can't think of a better way spend the summer. i'm certain he'll say no most of the time, but i can't wait until that first time he says yes. the best thing is that he lives in the same city as one of my girls, so it'll be so fucking sweet. Nisey drives over from The Bean; we drive down, swoop them up and keep it movin' to Brooklyn.

i'm also really excited about Marco. she's, by far, my favorite person. we were talking today about all of the shenanigans we want to get into this summer; crashing UMass parties, night swimming parties, the works. it's so nice having someone around here to chill with. she certainly encourages my silliness, and i respect that. being with her is freeing. i don't feel scrutinized or judged. i can stutter or trip or make a complete ass out of myself and she's right there laughing with me. i dig it.

i don't know. i can't stop smiling. i resolved to be a nicer person a few weeks ago, and that's fine. i also just want to be rid of all unnecessary baggage. i'm tired of being ruled by the past and being too afraid of what my friends or family will think. i'm sick of it. i want liberation. i want to go on dates. i want to drive down 91 with my windows down, radio blasting, hair blowing, and singing at the top of my lungs. i want to dance barefoot in the grass to no music; pick wildflowers for my hair.

fuck disappointment. fuck sorrow. fuck demons nipping at my heels.

i want mimosas and strawberries for breakfast; sunbathing and smoothies for lunch; good friends and Roomba for dinner; and laughter and love for every moment in between.


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