Recognize I'm A Fool And You Love Me

Sunday, April 01, 2007

this river is wild

i went hiking yesterday with david and had a great time. actually, we ended up spending most of the day together. he came to pick me up around noon and i didn't get home until 8 or so.

first we went to...oh who the hell knows where we were? only the gods and he know. anyway, we we hiking for about two hours. we ended up on the rocky cliff that we sat and talked and admired the scenary on. that place would be amazing during the fall. you could see everything. for as much as i tend to hate living here, the one thing i've never been able to deny is that it is beautiful. it's just the people that ruin it.

anyway, we hiked back to his car and drove into Shelbourne Falls for lunch. strangely, nothing was open. there we were, 3pm on a saturday afternoon, with nothing open to eat. we walked around for a bit and he took me down to see the falls. i can't remember what it was called, but it had something to do with salmons. i think he said it was a place where the Native Americans used to catch fish. anyway, it was this rushing fall and beautiful. there were all of these rocks that created mini waterfalls all over the place. there were a couple of pockets that i could see spending the better part of a summer day in. anyway, so, he asked me if i wanted to go down and i said yes; being the waterbaby that i am, how could i refuse?

we climbed down the side and made it onto the rocks. i'm standing there and really just want to touch the water. i took off my socks and shoes and started to climb down the rocks. by the way, rocks are really slippery when wet. i'm edging my way down and slipped on the rocks and completely fell in the water. i had mentioned to him earlier that i was really clumsy. you'd think, knowing this about myself, that i'd stay clear of situations like that, but, luckily, at this point i lack shame when i fall. i'm going to fall at some point, so i might as well have some fun. david jumps down and pulls me out and i'm just laughing, because all i could think was, "typical." i actually didn't realize how wet i was until i stood up. i thought my foot just went in and part of my leg with it. nope. my whole back side-- up to the top part of jeans--was soaked. not just wet. i was dripping all over the place.

we laughed and went back to his car. good thing i had just done laundry when he came to get me, so my clothes were in the back of his car. he took his gym towel and put it in the front seat for me.

we drove to get some food and were going to go to Springfield to this BBQ place, but he remembered there was a place in Hatfield that was a converted church. it was called Holy Smokes. the tag line was, "the answer to your BBQ prayers." it was adorable. i laughed as we walked in saying that it'd been years since i'd been to church. the inside was totally awesome. the seat were pews, complete with the red cushions. the menus were "Amenu" and there were flying pigs all over the place. it was really cool eating pretty delicious BBQ by the light of a stained glass window. such a sweet place. they had homemade lemonade that was just right. we both ended up having the "Turf and Turf" which was ribs and beef brisket with mac and cheese and cole slaw. the cole slaw was off the chains. the mac and cheese was pretty good. what was really good was their jumbalya. man, de-lish.

i was going to change when i got to the Holy Smokes, but by that time capillary action had transfered most of the wet from my jeans to the towel.

he had to meet his friend to look at a place in Holyoke, but we had time. so, we stopped off to get some ice cream and hit some balls at the driving range. i've never played golf before and completely wasted his money, because i sucked. i don't think golf was meant for girls with my...attributes. it was fun watching him, though. the best part was hearing the swooshing sound of a good swing. he said it was the most addictive sound, and i believe him. i told him he'd get along with Glenn and Jason, who are both golf nuts.

after that, we checked out his potential apartment with Carlos and then he took me home. he helped me carry my laundry in, we kissed goodnight, and he left.

it was, easily, the best day i've had since i've been here. it was really adorable, because as soon i got in, i put my stuff down and called Andrea. not 5 min. after he left, he called me to thank me for the day and that he had a really good time with me. nice. so, we're going to get together Tues.-- since i always go to the Watering Hole to watch American Idol with his sister-- and we'll play pool or something.

this guy's a good look. and i've already made an ass out of myself, so there's not much else to see. come to think of it, he also saw me fall in the snow, when i was helping to dig him out --which is how we first met. i really am a klutz. fingers crossed with this guy. so far, he's a good look. he talks a lot and reminds me a bit of dad in his almost manic need to do things, but he definitely keeps it interesting. plus he likes to do a lot of outdoors stuff, so he's perfect for me and wanting to get out and exercise.

like i said, fingers crossed.


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