Recognize I'm A Fool And You Love Me

Sunday, July 10, 2005

always an adventure

them bitches make me sick. they're lucky i love them...and i don't have any other friends...because i'd bounce. i would.

my girls are a mess. i include myself in that. i give myself no special privileges or exceptions just because i'm making the observation. the whole lot of us are ridiculous.

last night i went to New Haven to see Faith Evans in concert at the Foxwoods, which is this casino. Cuz, who lives in the Elm, bought the tickets. now, Cuz had been there one time a long time ago, but that was more than the rest of us. she said that it takes about 45 min to get there. i'm thinking that's not that bad. what she fails to remember...or call information in a more timely fashion than as we're walking out of the that it's 45min highway driving. actually, it was more than that, but i'm gonna let that slide. to her credit, she did say that we should leave at 7pm to be there for the 9pm show. that, however, was not consistent with her earlier claim of 45min and certainly wasn't consistent with her lollygagging.

so, we're heading out to the car and i ask her if she has the direction. she opens her phone and says, "i'm getting them right now." o.k. i'm a very easygoing person. you wouldn't know it through my life in western MA, but i'm a very whichever-way-the-wind-blows sort of girl. that being said, there are certain instances where i require a lot of structure. driving at night, in uncharted territory to destination "we're working on it" is one of those times. i tried to take into consideration that i travel more than she does. so, for me, i have directions and ETAs three days or more before i have to leave. now, should something fuck up along the way, so be it, but at least have the basics covered. anyway, so Cuz is on the phone and she writes down to get off of exit 92. "92? there is no 92," i think. that is, of course, unless we're not talking about I-91, but I-95 and in that case we are at exit 47 and the concert is starting in less than an hour. crazy talk.

there was a small debate as to who would drive. it was overwhelmingly decided that, especially in the interest of time, that i would drive. also, Cuz has totaled two cars and i think her car keeps trying to play her out with the "check engine" light. i don't know why she offered. it's a well established fact that i live at 85mph, plus i've never totaled a car.

i'm a little pissed, but that's mainly because i have, literally, been on the road all day. i left my place at 11am when Nisey came and then we drove down to the Elm. around 3pm Nisey and I head down to the Boogie Down to scoop up the Sandjes, who was, of course, late as hell. so, we get back to the Elm around 6pm just in time to take showers and get beautified. so, to find out that i'm going to be highway driving for an hour on some half-assed directions is not making me a happy camper. i am, however, with my girls, so i'm definitely not crusty. just slightly annoyed.

we're driving and having a good time in the car. it was a long ass drive into the deep woods. we're driving and we pass exit 92. Sandje says, "we're we supposed to get off at exit 92?"
Cuz: "no. it was exit 95."
(we drive past exit 92, then 93 and then hit the Rhode Island boarder)
Me: "Why the fuck are in Rhode Island?"
Cuz: " I don't know. she (the woman at Foxwoods) said it was exit 95."
Me: "Get the directions out."
(Cuz pulls them out)
Cuz: "Oh. yea. it's 92."
Me:"What the fuck. O.K. call the woman back and make sure you have the right directions."
Cuz:(indignantly) "These are the directions. this is what she said."
Me:"Well, how far is the Foxwoods from the highway?"

Cuz:"She didn't say. she just said we'd see signs."
Me:"Well, call her back and make her give you directions. giving directions is all she has to do. she can't withhold the information from you. make her tell you exactly how far the casino is from the highway. i need to know if it's right off the highway, whether we can see it, or if he have to drive 20min. to get there."

Cuz calls and the casino is 8.5 miles from the highway. by this point, it's safe to say that the lot of us are getting pretty crusty. i'm getting crusty with Cuz because she's being really flaky and ineffective. by the time we got to the concert we heard all of four songs before it was over. yup. an hour of driving for 10min. of a show.

i felt really bad for Sandje, because she loves Faith. she always have. so, it must've really sucked for get there at the ass-end of it. i don't think i made anything better with my insufferable optimism saying, "well, at least you got see her and heard a couple of the songs you wanted to hear." that kind of shit never works. so, Sandje starts yelling at Cuz and i'm putting my two cents in and it was getting really ugly. Cuz was deflecting responsibility like she had Wonder Woman wristbands on, which was only making things worse. the really good thing about all of us is that we get worked up and get pissed off, but we get over it fairly quickly. so, 15 min. later, i'm making my amends with Cuz by cashing in some money and giving her quarters for the slot machines (which she won $15 from).

by the time we made it to the car, Sandje had a few drinks and was good, and the rest of us had just let it go. the ride back was fairly long. Sandje stayed up with me and we talked while Nisey and Cuz were sleeping in the back. it was good. we got back to the Elm and watched some VH1 soul and make fun of a Chico DeBarge video and passed out...well, at least i did.

on the ride back i said, "well, ladies, it wasn't perfect, but it certainly was an adventure."


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