Recognize I'm A Fool And You Love Me

Sunday, April 10, 2005

lie pie

i originally wrote this blog 4/1/05 while i was home in MO. i had to make a few adjustments, so is here my final version:

my oldest brother is getting married in May. he lives in st. louis, and she lives in Spain. yesterday he came by the house and was hanging out. he was talking to her and had her on speaker phone. she had asked him if he had sent out the wedding invitations. he said no and she got upset. i laughed and said, "no, the correct answer was to say 'yes' and mail them tomorrow." he laughed and she said, "Did you sister tell you that the correct answer was to lie to me?"

well, yes, because that is the right answer. i was talking to my older brother this morning and told him the story and he described it as this: "girls want a lie pie, with a truth crust." essentially, we want to be told lies, but have them wrapped in a layer of truth. i agreed. as much as we women claim to want to know EVERYTHING, the truth is that we don't. ideally, we want a man to tell us what we want to hear and then back it up. no woman, three weeks from her wedding, wants to know that her finace hasn't mailed out his invitations...especially someone in another country with no control over anything. it'd be different if she lived in the states and he didn't mail them. she could get mad, but mail them herself. no woman wants to hear that, though. really, we just want to be reassured. i mean, don't blatenly lie, ie."no, i don't know any debbie. i don't know how this lipstick got on my shirt." that kind of shit's unacceptable. but white lies for the sake of our state of mind is totally within a mans' right.


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