if you can at all avoid it, certainly avoid US Airways! these dipshits lost my luggage coming and going to St. Louis this past weekend. i took these pics during my 20min. wait just to talk to the lost luggage people monday morning.
everytime i've taken this airline i've either missed my connecting flight, almost missed it, or had my bags lost. the bad thing is that half the time i almost miss my flights it's not because the layover is short. it's because they're always late. this particular flight, though, i had a layover in Philly and, i shit you not, my arrival gate and departure gate were right next to each other. these guys could've literally rolled my bag 30 ft to my next plane. we also got there early from St. Louis, so they had 20 extra scheduled minutes to get it on the plane. we ended up leaving 30-40min. late because a couple of connecting flights and they --again, i shit you not-- were waiting for some luggage.
really? so, my flight was supposed to get into Bradley at 12:30pm and i had to be at work at 2:30pm. we didn't get there until just after one. i didn't speak with the lost luggage guy until 1:40pm and we didn't get the paperwork sorted out until 1:50pm. i'm so pissed off at this point that i'm crying. actually, that's not true. when i first realized my luggage was lost again, i was crying. as i'm waiting, i ask a baggage guy if there was another person to help this guy --who'd been with one customer for 15min since i'd been there. he actually said i could go upstairs to the check-in desk and "if they were in the mood to help" me they would. to which i responded, "i paid $400 for this ticket, they'd better get in the mood." please, i wish someone would tell me they didn't feel like helping me.
by the time i got to the guy, i was a freakish and intense calm. i asked him for a phone to call my boss, but he said his phone didn't call long distance. really? so, i was directed to the airport information booth where they directed me to a pay phone. you got me fucked up if you think i'm going to pay for this call. i did my part to get myself to work on time. these are the dipshits who managed to fuck up 2 hours of leeway time. i decided i was going to go upstairs to the check-in counter and make the phone call there. this guy standing at the info booth tells me to calm down and hands me his cell phone. i told him that i really wanted US Air to pay for the call. he talks me down a bit and i call work from his phone.
so, there i am at Bradley International at 2pm waiting for the shuttle bus to get me to my car, to then drive 45min., take a shower, and get to work...work, i should've been at by 2:30pm. not to mention, this weekend i worked off of the least amount of sleep legally possible. i think the only people who go less sleep than me were sleep deprivation subjects.
on the plus side, i had a good weekend. i got to see almost my entire family (except for Sloan, Larry, and Aasim), which was really refreshing for me. it's kinda cool to see the fusing of my otherwise splintered family.
kinda makes me want to move back home.